JSET Seminars
We are building a transdisciplinary community of praxis by bringing diverse knowledge keepers into dialogue for action
Transdisciplinary action research begins with conversation and collaborative efforts to co-produce knowledge.
The core of the Just Social-Ecological Transitions in Latin America Program is our weekly seminar where knowledge keepers from across the world, academic disciplines, languages, and walks of life come together to share experiences and learn together. Since our launch in August 2023, we have hosted over 30 seminars seminars that have convened scientists, practitioners, and community members from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Brazil, Canada, the United States, and across the Colorado State University campus. Our seminars generally, 1 hour long, hosted in a hybrid format, and open to the public. Please visit our YouTube Channel to access a repository of our seminars. Note, that some earlier seminars were not recorded, but those moving forward will be uploaded for public access.
Join us every Tuesday from 12-1 pm Mountain Time in MSNR 402 on the CSU campus or by Zoom!
If interested in presenting your work, please use the “Contact” page to send us some details about your research. We are keen to host seminars that focus on centering justice in transdiciplinary collaborations and particularly welcome contributions from colleagues in, of, and from Latin America or examples of truly collaborative efforts between actors from distinct epistemic communities.
To receive regular updates about events, including how to join seminars, please enter your email in the “Stay in the Loop” field at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming Events
Our seminar series has closed for the semester and will continue in January 2025. Check back soon for an updated schedule of speakers!